This is by no means a complete list. These are texts I have access to either as hard copy or a facsimile pdf and will be used as documentation on this blog. Note that translations are documented as primary sources. If I have a link to a free version of the book or manuscript I will share it. YIS Ségnat
Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia
Borghouts, J. F., trans. Ancient Egyptian Magical Texts. Religious Texts Translation 9. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1978. Online Edwin Smith Papyrus
Scurlock, J. Magico-Medical Means of Treating Ghost-Induced Illnesses in Ancient Mesopotamia. Leiden: Brill-Styx, 2006. Includes translations of manuscripts.
Greek and Roman
Hippocrates. On Regimen in Acute Diseases. Translated by Adams, Francis, ca. 400BCE. .
Hippocrates. On Ancient Medicine. Translated by Mark John Schiefsky. 2005 reprint. Vol. 28. Studies in Ancient Medicine. Leiden; Boston: Brill, ca. 400BCE.
Hippocrates. Hippocrates: With an English Translation. Translated by Jones, W.H.S. 1957 Reprint. Vol. 1-3. London, England: William Heinemann LTD, ca. 400BCE.
Cato, Marcus Porcius, and Marcus Terentius Varro. Roman Farm Management: The Treatises of Cato and Varro. Translated by Fairfax Harrison. 1918 Translation., 160AD.
Celsus, Aulus Cornelius. De Medicina LIBRI I-VIII. Translated by Spencer. W.G. 1938 Translation. Vol. 1-3. III vols. London, England: William Heinemann LTD, ca. 44.
Dioscorides. De Materia Medica. - Five Books in One Volume: A New English Translation. Translated by Osbaldeston, T. Johannesburg: IBIDIS Press, 60.
Plinius Secundius, Gaius. Pliny Natural History LIBRI I-II. Translated by Rackham, H. 1938 translation. Vol. I. Ten vols. Loeb Classical Library. London. England: William Heinemann LTD, 77.
Plinius Secundius, Gaius. Pliny Natural History LIBRI XXIV-XXVII. Translated by Jones, W.H.S. 1956 translation. Vol. VII. London, England: William Heinemann LTD, 77.
Galen. On the Natural Faculties. Translated by Brock, Arthur John. 1916 translation. London, England: William Heinemann, 160
Apicius. Cookery and Dining in Imperial Rome. Translated by Joseph Dommers Vehling. 1926 Reprint. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 400.
Aegineta, Paulus, Paulus. Medical Compendium in Seven Books. Translated by Adams, Francis. 1847 Translation. Vols 1-3. London, England: Sydenham Soc., 600.
Jocks, Ianto Thorvald. “The Compositiones Medicamentorum of Scribonius Largus.” University of Glasgow, 2013.
Ayurvedic Texts
Suśruta. English Translation of the Sushruta Samhita. Translated by Bhishagratna, Kaviraj. 1907 Translation. 3 vols. Calcutta, India: J.N. Bose, 1100BCE.
Charaka, and Dridhabala. Charaka Saṃhitā. Translated by Van Loon, Gabriel. 2003 Translation. 2 Vol. Morrisville, NC: LuLu Enterprises., 500.
Medieval Era by Date Original Text was Published
Pollington, Stephen. Leechcraft: Early English Charms, Plant Lore, and Healing. Cambridgeshire, England: Anglo-Saxon Books, 2008. Contains partial text and translations of Lacnunga, Bald’s Leechbook and others written in the 9th Century.
Ingram, James, trans. The Anglo Saxon Chronicle. 1823 Translation. London, England: J.M. Dent, 890.
Frantzen, Allen. “Anglo-Saxon Penitentials” Database.
Mac Cuilennáin, Cormac. Sanas Chormaic. Edited by O’Donovan, John. 1868 Translation. Calcutta, India: Irish Archeological and Celtic Society., 900.
Cockayne, Thomas Oswald. Leechdoms, wortcunning, and starcraft of early England : being a collection of documents, for the most part never before printed, illustrating the history of science in this country before the Norman Conquest. 3 vols. London: Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, and Green, 1866. These are translations of documents dating to the Anglo Saxon period and older.
Library, British. The Old English Illustrated Pharmacopoeia: British Library Cotton Vitellius C III. Rosenkilde and Bagger, 1998. Digitized Online Manuscript.
Sīnā, Ibn. Avicenna’s Canon Of Medicine. Translated by Gruner, Oaker Cameron. 1973 Translation. New York, NY: AMS Press, 1025.
Green, Monica, trans. Trotula: An English Translation of the Medieval Compendium of Women’s Medicine. 2001 Translation. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press, ca. 1100.
John of Milan. Regimen Sanitatis Salernitanum. Code of Health of the School of Salernum. Translated by John Ordronaux. 1870 Translation. Philadelphia, PA: J.B. Lippincott & co., ca. ca. 1150. (It was 1563 when the scribes Aodh Ó Cendamhain, Cairbre, and Daibhí Ó Cearnaigh translated this to Irish.)
Thomas Gloning, trans. “Enseignements Qui Enseingnent a Apareillier Toutes * Manieres de Viandes.” Ms. lat. 7131, fol. 99va. Bibl. Nationale. Accessed October 26, 2014.
Anglici, Johannis. Rosa Anglica Sev Rosa Medicinæ Johannis Anglici: An Early Modern Irish Translation of a Section of the Mediaeval Medical Text-Book of John of Gaddesden. Translated by Wulff, Winifred. 1923 Translation. London, England: Simpkin Marshall LTD., 1314. (It was 1492 Rosa Anglica when this was translated into Irish.)
Hieatt, Constance B., and Robin F. Jones, trans. “Two Anglo-Norman Culinary Collections Edited from British Library Manuscripts Additional 32085 and Royal 12.C.Xii.” Speculum 61, no. 4 (1986): 859–82. 1320-1340.
Pegge, Samuel. The Forme of Cury: A Roll of Ancient English Cookery Compiled, about A.D. 1390, 1390.
Anon. A Medieval Home Companion: Housekeeping in the Fourteenth Century. Translated by Bayard, Tania. 1991 reprint. New York, NY: Harper Collins, 1393. Otherwise known as
Le Ménagier de Paris
Anon. The Book of Cooking in Maghreb and Andalus in the Era of Almohads. Translated by Martinelli, Candida. 2012 translation. Al-Andulus, Spain: 1400.
O’ Cuindlis, Murchadh Riabach. The passions and the homilies from Leabhar breac : text, translations, and glossary. Translated by Robert Atkinson. Dublin, Ireland: Royal Irish Academy, 1411.
Morris, Richard, trans. Liber Cure Cocurum: Sloane MS. 1986. 1862 reprint. Berlin, Germany: A. Asher & Co., 1420.
Helou, Ariane, trans. “Anonimo Toscano Libro Della Cocina.” Renaissance Food, June 26, 2013.
Austin, Thomas. Two Fifteenth-Century Cookery-Books: Harleian Ms. 279 (Ab. 1430), & Harl. Ms. 4016 (Ab. 1450), with Extracts from Ashmole Ms. 1429, Laud Ms. 553, & Douce Ms. 55. London, England: Early English text society, 1888.
Floridus, Macer. De Viribus Herbarum Carmen. Naples, Italy: Arnaldus de Bruxella, 1477.
Anon. Banckes Herbal. London, England: Rycharde Banckes, 1525.
Brunschwig, Hieronymus. Liber de Arte Distillandi; English. Translated by Andrewe, Laurens. [Imprynted at London: In the flete strete by me Laurens Andrewe, in the sygne of the golden Crosse, In the yere of our lorde. M.ccccc.xxvii. the xviii daye of Apryll. [1527], 1527. 1527 English Translation Online
Treveris, Peter. The Grete Herball. London, England: the author, 1529.
Ibn Botlan, Ibn. Tacuinum Sanitatis. Translated by Westbrook, Adele and Ratti, Oscar. 1976 Translation. New York, NY: George Braziller Inc., 1531.
Croy, Anne de, Princesse de Chimay. “Recueil d’aulcunes Confections et Mèdicines Bien Spèciales et Singulières Que Madame La Duchesse d’Arscot Princesse de Chimay.” MS2222, 1533. Welcome Library.
Anon. The Antidotharius in the Whiche Thou Mayst Lerne Howe Thou Shalte Make Many, and Dyuers Noble Playsters, Salues, Oynteme[n]t, Powders, Bawmes, Oyles. & Wounde Drynkes, the Whiche Be Very Necessary, and Behouefull, Vtyle & Profytable, for Euery Surgyan, Therin to Be Expert, and Redy at All Tymes of Nede. London, England: [London : Imprynted by me Robert wyer, dwellynge at [the] sygne of saynt Ioh[a]n euangelyste, in saynt Martyns parysshe, besyde Charynge crosse, [1535], 1535.
Anon. Here Beginneth a Good Boke of Medecines Called the Treasure of Pore Men. Early English Books, Imprynted at London : In Fletstrete by me Robert Redman dwellyng at the sygne of the George nexte to saynte Dunstons Curche, The yere of our Lorde M.CCCCC.XXXIX. The .XXIII. day of Janiuer] [1539], 1539.
Anon. A Propre New Booke of Cokery Declaryng What Maner of Meates Bee Best in Ceason for All Tymes of Ye Yere and How Thes Ought to Bee Dressed and Serued at the Table Bothe for Fleshe Daies and Fisshe Daies : With a Newe Addicion, Veri Necessarye for All Them That Delighteth in Cokery. Early English Books, 1475-1640 / 1773:01. [London] : Imprinted at Londo[n] in Paules churchyard by Richard Lant and Richarde Bankes, M.D.XLV. [1545], 1545.
Turner, William. A New Herball Wherein Are Conteyned the Names of Herbes in Greke, Latin, Englysh, Duch [Sic] Frenche, and in the Potecaries and Herbaries Latin, with the Properties Degrees and Naturall Places of the Same, Gathered and Made by Wylliam Turner, Physicion Vnto the Duke of Somersettes Grace. Early English Books, 1475-1640 / 1040:18a. London, England: Steven Mierdman, 1551.
Macer. Macers Herbal· Practysyd by Doctor Lynacro· Translated out of Laten, in to Englysshe, Which Shewynge Theyr Operacyons [and] Vertues, Set in the Margent of This Boke, to the Entent You Myght Knowe Theyr Vertues. Place of publication not identified: Imprynted by me Robert wyer, dwellynge in seynt Martyns parysshe at the sygne of seynt Iohn Euangely, 1552.
Vigo, Giovanni da, 1450? This Lytell Practyce of Ioha[n]Nes de Vigo in Medycyne, Is Translated out of Laten in to Englysshe, for the Health of the Body of Man These Medycynes Were Proued by Thornetone. Early English Books, 1475-1640 / 158:03 ; Early English Books, 1475-1640 / 1979:06. London. England: [London] : Imprynted by me Robart Wyer, dwellynge besyde Suffolke place, at charynge Crosse, [1552?], 1552.
Juannes Badanius, and Martinus de la Cruz. Badanius Manuscript. Tlaltilulco, Mexico: College of Santa Cruz, 1553.
Dodoens, Rembert. Cruydenboeck: A New Herball, or Historie of Plants Wherein Is Contained the Whole Discourse and Perfect Description of All Sorts of Herbes and Plants: Their Diuers and Sundrie Kindes: Their Names, Natures, Operations, & Vertues: And That Not Onely of Those Which Are Heere Growing in This Our Countrie of England but of Al Others Also of Forraine Realms Commonly Vsed in Physicke. First Set Foorth in the Dutch or Almaigne Toong, by That Learned D. Rembert Dodens, Phisition to the Emperor: And Now First Translated out of French into English, by Henrie Lyte Esquier. Translated by Henry Lyte. 1595 Translation. Early English Books, 1475-1640 / 289:01. London, England: By Edm. Bollifant, 1554.
Tusser, Thomas, A Hundreth Good Pointes of Husbandrie. [Imprinted at London : In flete strete within Temple barre, at the sygne of the hand and starre by Richard Tottel, The third daye of February. An. 1557], 1557
Gesner, Konrad. The Treasure of Euonymus Conteyninge the Vvonderfull Hid Secretes of Nature, Touchinge the Most Apte Formes to Prepare and Destyl Medicines, for the Conseruation of Helth: As Quintesse[n]Ce, Aurum Potabile, Hippocras, Aromatical Wynes, Balmes, Oyles Perfumes, Garnishyng Waters, and Other Manifold Excellent Confections. Wherunto Are Ioyned the Formes of Sondry Apt Fornaces, and Vessels, Required in This Art. Translated (with Great Diligence, et Laboure) out of Latin, by Peter Morvvying Felow of Magdaline Colleadge in Oxford. Early English Books, 1475-1640 / 296:02. Imprinted at London : By Iohn Daie, dvvelling ouer Aldersgate, beneath Saint Martines. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum, [1559], 1559.
Rodolphus, Gerardus. “Convolute Gent KANTL 15.” Translated by Muusers, Christianne. Gent, Belgium, 1560. Royal Academy of Dutch Language and Literature.
Turner, William, d. The Seconde Part of Vuilliam Turners Herball Wherein Are Conteyned the Names of Herbes in Greke, Latin, Duche, Frenche, and in the Apothecaries Latin, and Somtyme in Italiane, Wyth the Vertues of the Same Herbes Wyth Diuerse Confutationes of No Small Errours, That Men of No Small Learning Haue Committed in the Intreatinge of Herbes of Late Yeares. Here Vnto Is Ioyned Also a Booke of the Bath of Baeth in Englande, and of the Vertues of the Same Wyth Diuerse Other Bathes Moste Holsum and Effectuall, Both in Almany and Englande, Set Furth by William Turner Doctor of Physik. Imprinted at Collen : By Arnold Birckman, In the yeare of our Lorde M.D.LXII. [1562], 1562.
Orta, Garcia de. Colloquies on the Simples & Drugs of India. Translated by Markham, Clements. 1913 Translation. London, England: Henry Sotheran and Co., 1563.
Turner, William, d.
The First and Seconde Partes of the Herbal of William Turner Doctor in
Phisick, Lately Ouersene, Corrected and Enlarged with the Thirde Parte,
Lately Gathered, and Nowe Set Oute with the Names of the Herbes, in
Greke Latin, English, Duche, Frenche, and in the Apothecaries and
Herbaries Latin, with the Properties, Degrees, and Naturall Places of
the Same. Here Vnto Is Ioyned Also a Booke of the Bath of Baeth in
England, and of the Vertues of the Same with Diuerse Other Bathes, Moste
Holsom and Effectuall, Both in Almanye and England, Set Furth by
William Turner Doctor in Phisick. God Saue the Quene. Imprinted at Collen : By [the heirs of] Arnold Birckman, in the yeare of our Lorde M.D.LXVIII. [1568], 1568.
Campion, Edmund. A Historie of Ireland, Written in the Yeare 1571. 1809 Reprint. Dublin : reprinted at the Hibernia Press for the proprietors, 1571.
Partridge, John, fl. The Treasurie of Commodious Conceits, & Hidden Secrets and May Be Called, the Huswiues Closet, of Healthfull Prouision. Mete and Necessarie for the Profitable vse of All Estates Both Men and Women: And Also Pleasaunt for Recreation, with a Necessary Table of All Things Herein Contayned. Gathered out of Sundrye Experiments Lately Practised by Men of Great Knowledge. By I. Par. Early English Books, 1475-1640 / 1755:02 ; Early English Books, 1475-1640 / 222:05. Imprinted at London : By Richarde Iones, 1573., 1573.
Tusser, Thomas, Fiue Hundreth Points of Good Husbandry Vnited to as Many of Good Huswiferie, First Deuised, [and] Nowe Lately Augmented with Diuerse Approued Lessons Concerning Hopps [and] Gardening, and Other Needeful Matters Together, with an Abstract before Euery Moneth, Conteining the Whole Effect of the Sayd Moneth with a Table [and] a Preface in the Beginning Both Necessary to Be Reade, for the Better Vnderstanding of the Booke. Set Forth by Thomas Tusser Gentleman, Seruant to the Honorable Lord Paget of Beudesert. Imprinted at London : In Flete strete within Temple barre, at the signe of the Hand [and] starre by Rychard Totell, anno. 1573., 1573.
Hester, John, d. The True and Perfect Order to Distill Oyles out of Al Maner of Spices Seedes, Rootes, and Gummes with Their Perfect Taste, Smel, and Sauour: Where Vnto Is Added Some of Their Ver[t?]Ues Gathered out of Sundry Aucthors. As Gualterius, Rissius, Guinthery Andernaty, Phillipus, Hermanus, Leonardo, Phirauante, Phallopius, Cardanus.. Edited by Gabriele Falloppio. Early English Books, 1475-1640 / 2140:11. [London : J. Charlewood], 1575.., 1575.
Gesner, Konrad. The Newe Iewell of Health Wherein Is Contayned the Most Excellent Secretes of Phisicke and Philosophie, Deuided into Fower Bookes. In the Which Are the Best Approued Remedies for the Diseases as Well Inwarde as Outwarde, of All the Partes of Mans Bodie: Treating Very Amplye of All Dystillations of Waters, of Oyles, Balmes, Quintessences, with the Extraction of Artificiall Saltes, the vse and Preparation of Antimonie, and Potable Gold. Gathered out of the Best and Most Approued Authors, by That Excellent Doctor Gesnerus. Also the Pictures, and Maner to Make the Vessels, Furnaces, and Other Instrumentes Therevnto Belonging. Faithfully Corrected and Published in Englishe, by George Baker, Chirurgian. Edited by George Baker. Printed at London : By Henrie Denham, 1576., 1576.
Hill, Thomas. The Gardener’s Labyrinth. Translated by Mabey, Richard. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press, 1577.
Monardes, Nicolás, ca. Ioyfull Nevves out of the Newe Founde Worlde Wherein Is Declared the Rare and Singuler Vertues of Diuerse and Sundrie Hearbes, Trees, Oyles, Plantes, and Stones, with Their Aplications, Aswell for Phisicke as Chirurgerie, the Saied Beyng Well Applied Bryngeth Suche Present Remedie for All Deseases, as Maie Seme Altogether Incredible: Notwithstandyng by Practize Founde out, to Bee True: Also the Portrature of the Saied Hearbes, Very Aptly Discribed: Englished by Ihon Frampton Marchaunt. Translated by John Frampton fl. London, England: Imprinted at London : In Poules Churche-yarde, by Willyam Norton, Anno Domini. 1577, 1577.
Polo, Marco, The Most Noble and Famous Trauels of Marcus Paulus, One of the Nobilitie of the State of Venice, into the East Partes of the World, as Armenia, Persia, Arabia, Tartary, with Many Other Kingdoms and Prouinces. No Lesse Pleasant, than Profitable, as Appeareth by the Table, or Contents of This Booke. Most Necessary for All Sortes of Persons, and Especially Tor Trauellers. Translated into English. At London : Printed by [H. Bynneman for] Ralph Nevvbery, Anno. 1579., 1579.
Newton, Thomas, Approoved Medicines and Cordiall Receiptes with the Natures, Qualities, and Operations of Sundry Samples. Very Commodious and Expedient for All That Are Studious of Such Knowledge. Early English Books, 1475-1640 / 896:07. Imprinted at London : In Fleete-streete by Thomas Marshe, 1580., 1580.
Frampton, John, fl. A Discouerie of the Countries of Tartaria, Scithia, & Cataya, by the Northeast: With the Maners, Fashions, and Orders Which Are Vsed in Those Countries. / Set Foorth by Iohn Frampton Merchaunt. Jmprinted at London at the three Cranes in the Vintree, : by Thomas Dawson., 1580., 1580.
Stanihurst, Richard. “The Disposition and Maners of the Meere Irish, Commonlie Called the Wild Irish.” In A Treatise Conteining a Plaine and Perfect Description of Ireland [Selections]. From The Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland, edited by Holinshead, Raphael. London, England: Printed by Henry Denham, at the expenses of Iohn Harison, George Bishop, Rafe Newberie, Henrie Denham, and Thomas Woodcocke, 1586
A. W. A Book of Cookrye: Very Necessary for All Such as Delight Therein. / Gathered by A.W.. Early English Books, 1475-1640 / 2344:08. Imprinted At London : by Edward Allde.1587.
Dawson, Thomas. The Good Husvvifes Ievvell VVherein Is to Be Found Most Excellent and Rare Deuises for Conceits in Cookerie, Found out by the Practise of Thomas Dawson. Whereunto Is Adioyned Sundry Approued Reseits for Many Soueraine Oyles, and the Way to Distill Many Precious Waters, with Diuers Approued Medicines for Many Diseases. Also Certaine Approued Points of Husbandry, Very Necessarie for All Husbandmen to Know. Imprinted at London : By Iohn Wolfe for Edward White, dwelling at the litle North doore of Paules at the signe of the Gunne. 1587.
Partridge, John, fl. The Widowes Treasure Plentifully Furnished with Sundry Precious and Approoued Secretes in Phisicke and Chirurgery for the Health and Pleasure of Mankinde : Hereunto Are Adioyned, Sundry Pretie Practises and Conclusions of Cookerie : With Many Profitable and Holesome Medicines for Sundrie Diseases in Cattell. At London : Printed by Edward Alde, for Edward White, 1588., 1588.
Anon. The Good Hous-Wiues Treasurie Beeing a Verye Necessarie Booke Instructing to the Dressing of Meates. Hereunto Is Also Annexed Sundrie Holsome Medicines for Diuers Diseases. London, England: Imprinted at London: By Edward Allde, 1588.
Prévost, Nicole, 15th cent. Prepositas His Practise a Vvorke Very Necessary to Be Vsed for the Better Preseruation of the Health of Man. Wherein Are Not Onely Most Excellent and Approued Medicines, Receiptes, and Ointmentes of Great Vertue, but Also Most Pretious Waters, against Many Infirmities of the Body. The Way How to Make Euery the Said Seuerall Medicines, Receiptes, and Ointmentes. With a Table for the Ready Finding out of Euery the Diseases, and the Remedies for the Same. Translated out of Latin into English by L.M. Edited by Nicolaus Myrepsus 13th cent. Translated by Leonard Mascall d. Early English Books, 1475-1640 / 437:08. London : Imprinted by Iohn Wolfe for Edward White, dwelling at the little north doore of Paules, at the signe of the Gunne, 1588., 1588.
Plat, Hugh, Sir. Diuers Chimicall Conclusions Concerning the Art of Distillation. London, England: Peter Short, 1594.
Dawson, Thomas. The Second Part of the Good Hus-Wiues Iewell Where Is to Be Found Most Apt and Readiest Wayes to Distill Many Wholsome and Sweet Waters. In Which Likewise Is Shewed the Best Maner in Preseruing of Diuers Sorts of Fruits, & Making of Sirrops. With Diuers Conceits in Cookerie with the Booke of Caruing. London, England: Printed by E. Allde. for Edward White, dwellimg [sic] at the little north doore of Paules Church at the signe of the Gun, 1597.
Anon. A Booke of Cookerie, Otherwise Called the Good Huswiues Handmaid. Early English Books, 1475-1640 / 548:09. London, England: E. Allde, 1597.
Gerard, John. The Herball Or Generall Historie of Plantes. London, England: Norton, John, 1597. (Note: There is 1633 version of this publication which has been edited by Thomas Hill. I have both. There are not significant changes and they are well documented.)
Anon. [A Booke of Cookerie, Otherwise Called the Good Huswiues Handmaid.]. Early English Books, 1475-1640 / 548:09. [London] : [E. Allde, 1597], 1597.
Hogan, Edmund, trans. The Description of Ireland, and the State Thereof as It Is at This Present in Anno 1598 : Now for the First Time Published from a Manuscript Preserved in Clongowes-Wood College. 1878 Translation. Dublin, Ireland: M. H. Gill & Son, 1598.
Butts, Henry, d. Dyets Dry Dinner Consisting of Eight Seuerall Courses: 1. Fruites 2. Hearbes. 3. Flesh. 4. Fish. 5. Whitmeats. 6. Spice. 7. Sauce. 8. Tabacco. All Serued in after the Order of Time Vniuersall. By Henry Buttes, Maister of Artes, and Fellowe of C.C.C. in C. Printed in London : By Tho. Creede, for William Wood, and are to be sold at the west end of Powles, at the signe of Tyme, 1599., 1599.
I have a couple of receipt books which were compiled over the lifetime of the authors, so I include them on this list according to when their authors lived.
Corlyon, Mrs. “"A Booke of Diuers Medecines, Broothes, Salues, Waters,Syroppes and Oyntementes of Which Many or the Most Part Haue Been Experienced and Tryed by the Speciall Practize of Mrs Corlyon. Anno Domini 1606,” 1606.
Catchmay, Lady Frances. “A Booke of Medicens,” 1625.
Finally, I am going to add this even though it is a few decades too old because it is a history written by an Irish person.
Céitinn, Seathrún. Foras Feasa Ar Éireann. Translated by Comyn, Edward and Dinneen, Patrick. 2009 translation. Co. Tipperary, Ireland: Ex-classics Project, 1632.
Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia
Borghouts, J. F., trans. Ancient Egyptian Magical Texts. Religious Texts Translation 9. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1978. Online Edwin Smith Papyrus
Scurlock, J. Magico-Medical Means of Treating Ghost-Induced Illnesses in Ancient Mesopotamia. Leiden: Brill-Styx, 2006. Includes translations of manuscripts.
Greek and Roman
Hippocrates. On Regimen in Acute Diseases. Translated by Adams, Francis, ca. 400BCE. .
Hippocrates. On Ancient Medicine. Translated by Mark John Schiefsky. 2005 reprint. Vol. 28. Studies in Ancient Medicine. Leiden; Boston: Brill, ca. 400BCE.
Hippocrates. Hippocrates: With an English Translation. Translated by Jones, W.H.S. 1957 Reprint. Vol. 1-3. London, England: William Heinemann LTD, ca. 400BCE.
Cato, Marcus Porcius, and Marcus Terentius Varro. Roman Farm Management: The Treatises of Cato and Varro. Translated by Fairfax Harrison. 1918 Translation., 160AD.
Celsus, Aulus Cornelius. De Medicina LIBRI I-VIII. Translated by Spencer. W.G. 1938 Translation. Vol. 1-3. III vols. London, England: William Heinemann LTD, ca. 44.
Dioscorides. De Materia Medica. - Five Books in One Volume: A New English Translation. Translated by Osbaldeston, T. Johannesburg: IBIDIS Press, 60.
Plinius Secundius, Gaius. Pliny Natural History LIBRI I-II. Translated by Rackham, H. 1938 translation. Vol. I. Ten vols. Loeb Classical Library. London. England: William Heinemann LTD, 77.
Plinius Secundius, Gaius. Pliny Natural History LIBRI XXIV-XXVII. Translated by Jones, W.H.S. 1956 translation. Vol. VII. London, England: William Heinemann LTD, 77.
Galen. On the Natural Faculties. Translated by Brock, Arthur John. 1916 translation. London, England: William Heinemann, 160
Apicius. Cookery and Dining in Imperial Rome. Translated by Joseph Dommers Vehling. 1926 Reprint. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 400.
Aegineta, Paulus, Paulus. Medical Compendium in Seven Books. Translated by Adams, Francis. 1847 Translation. Vols 1-3. London, England: Sydenham Soc., 600.
Jocks, Ianto Thorvald. “The Compositiones Medicamentorum of Scribonius Largus.” University of Glasgow, 2013.
Ayurvedic Texts
Suśruta. English Translation of the Sushruta Samhita. Translated by Bhishagratna, Kaviraj. 1907 Translation. 3 vols. Calcutta, India: J.N. Bose, 1100BCE.
Charaka, and Dridhabala. Charaka Saṃhitā. Translated by Van Loon, Gabriel. 2003 Translation. 2 Vol. Morrisville, NC: LuLu Enterprises., 500.
Medieval Era by Date Original Text was Published
Pollington, Stephen. Leechcraft: Early English Charms, Plant Lore, and Healing. Cambridgeshire, England: Anglo-Saxon Books, 2008. Contains partial text and translations of Lacnunga, Bald’s Leechbook and others written in the 9th Century.
Ingram, James, trans. The Anglo Saxon Chronicle. 1823 Translation. London, England: J.M. Dent, 890.
Frantzen, Allen. “Anglo-Saxon Penitentials” Database.
Mac Cuilennáin, Cormac. Sanas Chormaic. Edited by O’Donovan, John. 1868 Translation. Calcutta, India: Irish Archeological and Celtic Society., 900.
Cockayne, Thomas Oswald. Leechdoms, wortcunning, and starcraft of early England : being a collection of documents, for the most part never before printed, illustrating the history of science in this country before the Norman Conquest. 3 vols. London: Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, and Green, 1866. These are translations of documents dating to the Anglo Saxon period and older.
Library, British. The Old English Illustrated Pharmacopoeia: British Library Cotton Vitellius C III. Rosenkilde and Bagger, 1998. Digitized Online Manuscript.
Sīnā, Ibn. Avicenna’s Canon Of Medicine. Translated by Gruner, Oaker Cameron. 1973 Translation. New York, NY: AMS Press, 1025.
Green, Monica, trans. Trotula: An English Translation of the Medieval Compendium of Women’s Medicine. 2001 Translation. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press, ca. 1100.
John of Milan. Regimen Sanitatis Salernitanum. Code of Health of the School of Salernum. Translated by John Ordronaux. 1870 Translation. Philadelphia, PA: J.B. Lippincott & co., ca. ca. 1150. (It was 1563 when the scribes Aodh Ó Cendamhain, Cairbre, and Daibhí Ó Cearnaigh translated this to Irish.)
Thomas Gloning, trans. “Enseignements Qui Enseingnent a Apareillier Toutes * Manieres de Viandes.” Ms. lat. 7131, fol. 99va. Bibl. Nationale. Accessed October 26, 2014.
Anglici, Johannis. Rosa Anglica Sev Rosa Medicinæ Johannis Anglici: An Early Modern Irish Translation of a Section of the Mediaeval Medical Text-Book of John of Gaddesden. Translated by Wulff, Winifred. 1923 Translation. London, England: Simpkin Marshall LTD., 1314. (It was 1492 Rosa Anglica when this was translated into Irish.)
Hieatt, Constance B., and Robin F. Jones, trans. “Two Anglo-Norman Culinary Collections Edited from British Library Manuscripts Additional 32085 and Royal 12.C.Xii.” Speculum 61, no. 4 (1986): 859–82. 1320-1340.
Lanfranco, of Milan. Lanfrank’s “Science of
Cirurgie”. Edited from the Bodleian Ashmole Ms. 1396 (Ab. 1380 A.D.) and
the British Museum Additional Ms. 12,056 (Ab. 1420 A.D.). Edited by
Fleischhacker, Robert von. 1894 Reprint. Pub. for the Early English society by K. Paul, Trench, Trübner & co, 1380.
O’ Donovan, John, ed. Leabhar Na G-Ceart: The Book of Rights. 1847 Translation. Dublin, Ireland: Printed for the Celtic Society by University Press M.H. Gill, 1390.
Myddfai, Meddygon. Physicians of Myddvai.
Edited by Williams, John. Translated by John Pughe. 1861 Translation.
London, England: Welsh MSS Society, Longman & Co., 1382.Pegge, Samuel. The Forme of Cury: A Roll of Ancient English Cookery Compiled, about A.D. 1390, 1390.
Anon. A Medieval Home Companion: Housekeeping in the Fourteenth Century. Translated by Bayard, Tania. 1991 reprint. New York, NY: Harper Collins, 1393. Otherwise known as
Le Ménagier de Paris
Anon. The Book of Cooking in Maghreb and Andalus in the Era of Almohads. Translated by Martinelli, Candida. 2012 translation. Al-Andulus, Spain: 1400.
O’ Cuindlis, Murchadh Riabach. The passions and the homilies from Leabhar breac : text, translations, and glossary. Translated by Robert Atkinson. Dublin, Ireland: Royal Irish Academy, 1411.
Morris, Richard, trans. Liber Cure Cocurum: Sloane MS. 1986. 1862 reprint. Berlin, Germany: A. Asher & Co., 1420.
Helou, Ariane, trans. “Anonimo Toscano Libro Della Cocina.” Renaissance Food, June 26, 2013.
Austin, Thomas. Two Fifteenth-Century Cookery-Books: Harleian Ms. 279 (Ab. 1430), & Harl. Ms. 4016 (Ab. 1450), with Extracts from Ashmole Ms. 1429, Laud Ms. 553, & Douce Ms. 55. London, England: Early English text society, 1888.
Loen-Marshall, Maria Helena. “An Edition of the English Texts in British Library MS Sloane 3285: Practical Medicine, Sussex Dialect and the London Associations of a Fifteenth Century Book.” University of Glasgow, 2005.
Rossi, Martino de. The Art of Cooking. Edited by Luigi Ballerini. Translated by Jeremy Parzen. 2005 Translation. Berkeley. CA: University of California Press, 1465. Otherwise known as Libro de Arte Coquinaria
Russel, John. “The Boke of Nurture.” Harleian MS 4011. Translated by Furnivall, Frederick. London, England, ca 1465. British Museum.
Floridus, Macer. De Viribus Herbarum Carmen. Naples, Italy: Arnaldus de Bruxella, 1477.
Herrtage, Sidney John Hervon, ed. Catholicon Anglicum: An English-Latin Wordbook, Dated 1483. 1881 Reprint. London, England: N. Trubner & Co., 1483.
Anon. This Is the Boke of Cokery. Early English Books/ 2250:06. London : W. de Worde, 1510
Brunschwig, Hieronymus (1450 - c. 1512). Liber de arte distillandi; Das buch der rechten kunst zu distillieren. Strassburg: 1512. 1512 German edition online
Brunschwig, Hieronymus, ca. 1450-ca. Buch Der Cirurgia. Translated by Anon. [Imprynted at London : In Southwarke by Petrus Treueris, In the yere of our lorde god. M.D.xxv. [1525] and the. xxvi. day of Marche], 1525.
Anon. This Is the Boke of Cokery. Early English Books/ 2250:06. London : W. de Worde, 1510
Brunschwig, Hieronymus (1450 - c. 1512). Liber de arte distillandi; Das buch der rechten kunst zu distillieren. Strassburg: 1512. 1512 German edition online
Brunschwig, Hieronymus, ca. 1450-ca. Buch Der Cirurgia. Translated by Anon. [Imprynted at London : In Southwarke by Petrus Treueris, In the yere of our lorde god. M.D.xxv. [1525] and the. xxvi. day of Marche], 1525.
Anon. Banckes Herbal. London, England: Rycharde Banckes, 1525.
Brunschwig, Hieronymus. Liber de Arte Distillandi; English. Translated by Andrewe, Laurens. [Imprynted at London: In the flete strete by me Laurens Andrewe, in the sygne of the golden Crosse, In the yere of our lorde. M.ccccc.xxvii. the xviii daye of Apryll. [1527], 1527. 1527 English Translation Online
Treveris, Peter. The Grete Herball. London, England: the author, 1529.
Ibn Botlan, Ibn. Tacuinum Sanitatis. Translated by Westbrook, Adele and Ratti, Oscar. 1976 Translation. New York, NY: George Braziller Inc., 1531.
Anon. The Antidotharius in the Whiche Thou Mayst Lerne Howe Thou Shalte Make Many, and Dyuers Noble Playsters, Salues, Oynteme[n]t, Powders, Bawmes, Oyles. & Wounde Drynkes, the Whiche Be Very Necessary, and Behouefull, Vtyle & Profytable, for Euery Surgyan, Therin to Be Expert, and Redy at All Tymes of Nede. London, England: [London : Imprynted by me Robert wyer, dwellynge at [the] sygne of saynt Ioh[a]n euangelyste, in saynt Martyns parysshe, besyde Charynge crosse, [1535], 1535.
Anon. Here Beginneth a Good Boke of Medecines Called the Treasure of Pore Men. Early English Books, Imprynted at London : In Fletstrete by me Robert Redman dwellyng at the sygne of the George nexte to saynte Dunstons Curche, The yere of our Lorde M.CCCCC.XXXIX. The .XXIII. day of Janiuer] [1539], 1539.
Anon. A Propre New Booke of Cokery Declaryng What Maner of Meates Bee Best in Ceason for All Tymes of Ye Yere and How Thes Ought to Bee Dressed and Serued at the Table Bothe for Fleshe Daies and Fisshe Daies : With a Newe Addicion, Veri Necessarye for All Them That Delighteth in Cokery. Early English Books, 1475-1640 / 1773:01. [London] : Imprinted at Londo[n] in Paules churchyard by Richard Lant and Richarde Bankes, M.D.XLV. [1545], 1545.
Turner, William. A New Herball Wherein Are Conteyned the Names of Herbes in Greke, Latin, Englysh, Duch [Sic] Frenche, and in the Potecaries and Herbaries Latin, with the Properties Degrees and Naturall Places of the Same, Gathered and Made by Wylliam Turner, Physicion Vnto the Duke of Somersettes Grace. Early English Books, 1475-1640 / 1040:18a. London, England: Steven Mierdman, 1551.
Macer. Macers Herbal· Practysyd by Doctor Lynacro· Translated out of Laten, in to Englysshe, Which Shewynge Theyr Operacyons [and] Vertues, Set in the Margent of This Boke, to the Entent You Myght Knowe Theyr Vertues. Place of publication not identified: Imprynted by me Robert wyer, dwellynge in seynt Martyns parysshe at the sygne of seynt Iohn Euangely, 1552.
Vigo, Giovanni da, 1450? This Lytell Practyce of Ioha[n]Nes de Vigo in Medycyne, Is Translated out of Laten in to Englysshe, for the Health of the Body of Man These Medycynes Were Proued by Thornetone. Early English Books, 1475-1640 / 158:03 ; Early English Books, 1475-1640 / 1979:06. London. England: [London] : Imprynted by me Robart Wyer, dwellynge besyde Suffolke place, at charynge Crosse, [1552?], 1552.
Juannes Badanius, and Martinus de la Cruz. Badanius Manuscript. Tlaltilulco, Mexico: College of Santa Cruz, 1553.
Dodoens, Rembert. Cruydenboeck: A New Herball, or Historie of Plants Wherein Is Contained the Whole Discourse and Perfect Description of All Sorts of Herbes and Plants: Their Diuers and Sundrie Kindes: Their Names, Natures, Operations, & Vertues: And That Not Onely of Those Which Are Heere Growing in This Our Countrie of England but of Al Others Also of Forraine Realms Commonly Vsed in Physicke. First Set Foorth in the Dutch or Almaigne Toong, by That Learned D. Rembert Dodens, Phisition to the Emperor: And Now First Translated out of French into English, by Henrie Lyte Esquier. Translated by Henry Lyte. 1595 Translation. Early English Books, 1475-1640 / 289:01. London, England: By Edm. Bollifant, 1554.
Tusser, Thomas, A Hundreth Good Pointes of Husbandrie. [Imprinted at London : In flete strete within Temple barre, at the sygne of the hand and starre by Richard Tottel, The third daye of February. An. 1557], 1557
Gesner, Konrad. The Treasure of Euonymus Conteyninge the Vvonderfull Hid Secretes of Nature, Touchinge the Most Apte Formes to Prepare and Destyl Medicines, for the Conseruation of Helth: As Quintesse[n]Ce, Aurum Potabile, Hippocras, Aromatical Wynes, Balmes, Oyles Perfumes, Garnishyng Waters, and Other Manifold Excellent Confections. Wherunto Are Ioyned the Formes of Sondry Apt Fornaces, and Vessels, Required in This Art. Translated (with Great Diligence, et Laboure) out of Latin, by Peter Morvvying Felow of Magdaline Colleadge in Oxford. Early English Books, 1475-1640 / 296:02. Imprinted at London : By Iohn Daie, dvvelling ouer Aldersgate, beneath Saint Martines. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum, [1559], 1559.
Rodolphus, Gerardus. “Convolute Gent KANTL 15.” Translated by Muusers, Christianne. Gent, Belgium, 1560. Royal Academy of Dutch Language and Literature.
Turner, William, d. The Seconde Part of Vuilliam Turners Herball Wherein Are Conteyned the Names of Herbes in Greke, Latin, Duche, Frenche, and in the Apothecaries Latin, and Somtyme in Italiane, Wyth the Vertues of the Same Herbes Wyth Diuerse Confutationes of No Small Errours, That Men of No Small Learning Haue Committed in the Intreatinge of Herbes of Late Yeares. Here Vnto Is Ioyned Also a Booke of the Bath of Baeth in Englande, and of the Vertues of the Same Wyth Diuerse Other Bathes Moste Holsum and Effectuall, Both in Almany and Englande, Set Furth by William Turner Doctor of Physik. Imprinted at Collen : By Arnold Birckman, In the yeare of our Lorde M.D.LXII. [1562], 1562.
Orta, Garcia de. Colloquies on the Simples & Drugs of India. Translated by Markham, Clements. 1913 Translation. London, England: Henry Sotheran and Co., 1563.
Weyer, Johann. De praestigiis daemonum, et incantationibus, ac veneficiis: libri V. Oporin, 1563.
Campion, Edmund. A Historie of Ireland, Written in the Yeare 1571. 1809 Reprint. Dublin : reprinted at the Hibernia Press for the proprietors, 1571.
Partridge, John, fl. The Treasurie of Commodious Conceits, & Hidden Secrets and May Be Called, the Huswiues Closet, of Healthfull Prouision. Mete and Necessarie for the Profitable vse of All Estates Both Men and Women: And Also Pleasaunt for Recreation, with a Necessary Table of All Things Herein Contayned. Gathered out of Sundrye Experiments Lately Practised by Men of Great Knowledge. By I. Par. Early English Books, 1475-1640 / 1755:02 ; Early English Books, 1475-1640 / 222:05. Imprinted at London : By Richarde Iones, 1573., 1573.
Tusser, Thomas, Fiue Hundreth Points of Good Husbandry Vnited to as Many of Good Huswiferie, First Deuised, [and] Nowe Lately Augmented with Diuerse Approued Lessons Concerning Hopps [and] Gardening, and Other Needeful Matters Together, with an Abstract before Euery Moneth, Conteining the Whole Effect of the Sayd Moneth with a Table [and] a Preface in the Beginning Both Necessary to Be Reade, for the Better Vnderstanding of the Booke. Set Forth by Thomas Tusser Gentleman, Seruant to the Honorable Lord Paget of Beudesert. Imprinted at London : In Flete strete within Temple barre, at the signe of the Hand [and] starre by Rychard Totell, anno. 1573., 1573.
Hester, John, d. The True and Perfect Order to Distill Oyles out of Al Maner of Spices Seedes, Rootes, and Gummes with Their Perfect Taste, Smel, and Sauour: Where Vnto Is Added Some of Their Ver[t?]Ues Gathered out of Sundry Aucthors. As Gualterius, Rissius, Guinthery Andernaty, Phillipus, Hermanus, Leonardo, Phirauante, Phallopius, Cardanus.. Edited by Gabriele Falloppio. Early English Books, 1475-1640 / 2140:11. [London : J. Charlewood], 1575.., 1575.
Gesner, Konrad. The Newe Iewell of Health Wherein Is Contayned the Most Excellent Secretes of Phisicke and Philosophie, Deuided into Fower Bookes. In the Which Are the Best Approued Remedies for the Diseases as Well Inwarde as Outwarde, of All the Partes of Mans Bodie: Treating Very Amplye of All Dystillations of Waters, of Oyles, Balmes, Quintessences, with the Extraction of Artificiall Saltes, the vse and Preparation of Antimonie, and Potable Gold. Gathered out of the Best and Most Approued Authors, by That Excellent Doctor Gesnerus. Also the Pictures, and Maner to Make the Vessels, Furnaces, and Other Instrumentes Therevnto Belonging. Faithfully Corrected and Published in Englishe, by George Baker, Chirurgian. Edited by George Baker. Printed at London : By Henrie Denham, 1576., 1576.
Rhodes, Hugh. The Boke of Nurture. Translated by Furnivall, Frederick. 1867 Translation. London, England: Imprited at London in Fleetestreet, beneath the Conduite, at the Signe of S. Iohn Euaungelist, by H. Jackson., 1577.
Monardes, Nicolás, ca. Ioyfull Nevves out of the Newe Founde Worlde Wherein Is Declared the Rare and Singuler Vertues of Diuerse and Sundrie Hearbes, Trees, Oyles, Plantes, and Stones, with Their Aplications, Aswell for Phisicke as Chirurgerie, the Saied Beyng Well Applied Bryngeth Suche Present Remedie for All Deseases, as Maie Seme Altogether Incredible: Notwithstandyng by Practize Founde out, to Bee True: Also the Portrature of the Saied Hearbes, Very Aptly Discribed: Englished by Ihon Frampton Marchaunt. Translated by John Frampton fl. London, England: Imprinted at London : In Poules Churche-yarde, by Willyam Norton, Anno Domini. 1577, 1577.
Polo, Marco, The Most Noble and Famous Trauels of Marcus Paulus, One of the Nobilitie of the State of Venice, into the East Partes of the World, as Armenia, Persia, Arabia, Tartary, with Many Other Kingdoms and Prouinces. No Lesse Pleasant, than Profitable, as Appeareth by the Table, or Contents of This Booke. Most Necessary for All Sortes of Persons, and Especially Tor Trauellers. Translated into English. At London : Printed by [H. Bynneman for] Ralph Nevvbery, Anno. 1579., 1579.
Newton, Thomas, Approoved Medicines and Cordiall Receiptes with the Natures, Qualities, and Operations of Sundry Samples. Very Commodious and Expedient for All That Are Studious of Such Knowledge. Early English Books, 1475-1640 / 896:07. Imprinted at London : In Fleete-streete by Thomas Marshe, 1580., 1580.
Frampton, John, fl. A Discouerie of the Countries of Tartaria, Scithia, & Cataya, by the Northeast: With the Maners, Fashions, and Orders Which Are Vsed in Those Countries. / Set Foorth by Iohn Frampton Merchaunt. Jmprinted at London at the three Cranes in the Vintree, : by Thomas Dawson., 1580., 1580.
Stanihurst, Richard. “The Disposition and Maners of the Meere Irish, Commonlie Called the Wild Irish.” In A Treatise Conteining a Plaine and Perfect Description of Ireland [Selections]. From The Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland, edited by Holinshead, Raphael. London, England: Printed by Henry Denham, at the expenses of Iohn Harison, George Bishop, Rafe Newberie, Henrie Denham, and Thomas Woodcocke, 1586
A. W. A Book of Cookrye: Very Necessary for All Such as Delight Therein. / Gathered by A.W.. Early English Books, 1475-1640 / 2344:08. Imprinted At London : by Edward Allde.1587.
Dawson, Thomas. The Good Husvvifes Ievvell VVherein Is to Be Found Most Excellent and Rare Deuises for Conceits in Cookerie, Found out by the Practise of Thomas Dawson. Whereunto Is Adioyned Sundry Approued Reseits for Many Soueraine Oyles, and the Way to Distill Many Precious Waters, with Diuers Approued Medicines for Many Diseases. Also Certaine Approued Points of Husbandry, Very Necessarie for All Husbandmen to Know. Imprinted at London : By Iohn Wolfe for Edward White, dwelling at the litle North doore of Paules at the signe of the Gunne. 1587.
Partridge, John, fl. The Widowes Treasure Plentifully Furnished with Sundry Precious and Approoued Secretes in Phisicke and Chirurgery for the Health and Pleasure of Mankinde : Hereunto Are Adioyned, Sundry Pretie Practises and Conclusions of Cookerie : With Many Profitable and Holesome Medicines for Sundrie Diseases in Cattell. At London : Printed by Edward Alde, for Edward White, 1588., 1588.
Anon. The Good Hous-Wiues Treasurie Beeing a Verye Necessarie Booke Instructing to the Dressing of Meates. Hereunto Is Also Annexed Sundrie Holsome Medicines for Diuers Diseases. London, England: Imprinted at London: By Edward Allde, 1588.
Prévost, Nicole, 15th cent. Prepositas His Practise a Vvorke Very Necessary to Be Vsed for the Better Preseruation of the Health of Man. Wherein Are Not Onely Most Excellent and Approued Medicines, Receiptes, and Ointmentes of Great Vertue, but Also Most Pretious Waters, against Many Infirmities of the Body. The Way How to Make Euery the Said Seuerall Medicines, Receiptes, and Ointmentes. With a Table for the Ready Finding out of Euery the Diseases, and the Remedies for the Same. Translated out of Latin into English by L.M. Edited by Nicolaus Myrepsus 13th cent. Translated by Leonard Mascall d. Early English Books, 1475-1640 / 437:08. London : Imprinted by Iohn Wolfe for Edward White, dwelling at the little north doore of Paules, at the signe of the Gunne, 1588., 1588.
Plat, Hugh, Sir. Diuers Chimicall Conclusions Concerning the Art of Distillation. London, England: Peter Short, 1594.
Dawson, Thomas. The Second Part of the Good Hus-Wiues Iewell Where Is to Be Found Most Apt and Readiest Wayes to Distill Many Wholsome and Sweet Waters. In Which Likewise Is Shewed the Best Maner in Preseruing of Diuers Sorts of Fruits, & Making of Sirrops. With Diuers Conceits in Cookerie with the Booke of Caruing. London, England: Printed by E. Allde. for Edward White, dwellimg [sic] at the little north doore of Paules Church at the signe of the Gun, 1597.
Anon. A Booke of Cookerie, Otherwise Called the Good Huswiues Handmaid. Early English Books, 1475-1640 / 548:09. London, England: E. Allde, 1597.
Gerard, John. The Herball Or Generall Historie of Plantes. London, England: Norton, John, 1597. (Note: There is 1633 version of this publication which has been edited by Thomas Hill. I have both. There are not significant changes and they are well documented.)
Anon. [A Booke of Cookerie, Otherwise Called the Good Huswiues Handmaid.]. Early English Books, 1475-1640 / 548:09. [London] : [E. Allde, 1597], 1597.
Hogan, Edmund, trans. The Description of Ireland, and the State Thereof as It Is at This Present in Anno 1598 : Now for the First Time Published from a Manuscript Preserved in Clongowes-Wood College. 1878 Translation. Dublin, Ireland: M. H. Gill & Son, 1598.
Butts, Henry, d. Dyets Dry Dinner Consisting of Eight Seuerall Courses: 1. Fruites 2. Hearbes. 3. Flesh. 4. Fish. 5. Whitmeats. 6. Spice. 7. Sauce. 8. Tabacco. All Serued in after the Order of Time Vniuersall. By Henry Buttes, Maister of Artes, and Fellowe of C.C.C. in C. Printed in London : By Tho. Creede, for William Wood, and are to be sold at the west end of Powles, at the signe of Tyme, 1599., 1599.
I have a couple of receipt books which were compiled over the lifetime of the authors, so I include them on this list according to when their authors lived.
Corlyon, Mrs. “"A Booke of Diuers Medecines, Broothes, Salues, Waters,Syroppes and Oyntementes of Which Many or the Most Part Haue Been Experienced and Tryed by the Speciall Practize of Mrs Corlyon. Anno Domini 1606,” 1606.
Finally, I am going to add this even though it is a few decades too old because it is a history written by an Irish person.
Céitinn, Seathrún. Foras Feasa Ar Éireann. Translated by Comyn, Edward and Dinneen, Patrick. 2009 translation. Co. Tipperary, Ireland: Ex-classics Project, 1632.
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