
Tomorrow I am teaching a class on Medieval Medicine and as part of the prep I made verjuice because I like to add a dash of it as flavor the following dish.  This dish was generally prepared for the ill Its a good bland food for when you are sick, but it needs a little something when you are  Tertian fevers would be those fevers that spiked high, broke and then returned. They were generally associated with diseases like maleria.

A Muzawwara [Vegetable Dish] Beneficial for Tertian Fevers and Acute Fevers

Take boiled peeled lentils and wash in hot water several times. Put in a pot and add water without covering them. Cook and then throw in pieces of gourd, or the stems of Swiss chard, or of lettuce and its tender sprigs, or the flesh of cucumber or melon, and vinegar, coriander seed, a little cumin, Chinese cinnamon [cassia], saffron and two ûqiyas of fresh oil; season with a little salt and cook. Taste, and if its flavor is pleasingly balanced between sweet and sour, [good;] and if not, reinforce until it is equalized, according to taste, and leave it to lose its heat until it is cold and then serve.

I cheated a little to make the verjuice, but I grew the grapes myself.
That should count for something.

Source for Making Verjuice:Muusers, Christianne. “Verjuice : Not Wine, nor Vinegar.” Coquinaria, September 16, 2006.

Source for the Recipe:Anon. The Book of Cooking in Maghreb and Andalus in the Era of Almohads. Translated by Martinelli, Candida. 2012 translation. Al-Andulus, Spain: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, ca. 1400. 
